protein synthesis
Day 1
Watch the video on Protein Synthesis. Click the "Notes" tab to access the notes. Complete the notes.
Complete the practice problems in your notes packet by transcribing the mRNA sequence, then translating the mRNA sequence into the amino acid sequence using the amino acid codon chart. Remember that many amino acids linked together create a specific protein.
Boss Level
Now that you understand the basics of Protein Synthesis, let's continue our practice!
Create 4 different amino acid sequences that code for four different proteins. In your creation be sure to complete the following:
Create a complementary DNA strand that includes a minimum of 12 nucleotides/ bases (It can be more than 12 nucleotides/ bases)
Your sequence must have a codon (3 bases) that tells the ribosome when to begin. The start of your sequence must begin with the amino acid methionine (MET).
Your sequence must also include a codon that tells the ribosome when to stop. The end of your sequence must include the appropraite codon that tells the ribosome to STOP.
Transcribe your mRNA sequence using base pair rules for RNA.
Translate the mRNA sequence into an amino acid sequence using the appropriate codons.
Tip: Working backwards will help to be successful at creating correct amino acid sequences. Begin by making the amino acid sequence and ending by creating the appropriate DNA sequence.
Repeat these steps to complete the other 3 amino acid sequences!!!
Do Now
Using Nucleotide Base Pair Rules complete the following sequences:
RNA sequence ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
RNA sequence ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
A mutation is a permanent mutation in the nucleotide sequence. A gene can be mutated in several ways.
Insertion (Frameshift)
Deletion (Frameshift)
Substitution (Missense, Silent, Nonsense)
These changes can cause drastic changes in the function of proteins.
Complete the worksheet titled, "Gene Mutation and Protein Synthesis" by completing the following:
Identify the changes in the mutated DNA strand. Compare the sequences (DNA, mRNA, and Amino Acid) of the original to the mutated strands to identify how the DNA sequence has been mutated and if this mutation will have an effect on the function of the protein.
Sickle Cell is a genetic disease that exists because of mutation. Identify how the genes for red blood cells have been altered to create sickled cells.
Boss Level
Using the internet explain how mutations cause genetic diseases. In your explanation be sure to complete the following:
Identify two genetic diseases that exist because of a gene mutation.
For each genetic disease complete the following:
State the genetic disease that exists because of gene mutation. (You cannot pick sickle cell anemia)
Identify the type of mutation that causes the diseases.
Explain how the type of mutation effects the genetic sequence (DNA sequence or amino acid sequence).
Explain how this mutation affects the function of the original protein.
Do Now
Explain why one sibling can have blue eyes and the other brown eyes.
Explain why one sibling can have naturally curled hair and another have naturally straight hair.