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Experimental design

Day 1


Do Now

Create a graph that best represents the data below using google spreadsheets

Day 2

Day 3

Semi- Pro


Watch the video on variables and groups of a controlled experiment. Take notes based ont the video.

Complete the Simpsons worksheet! It requires you to identify variables and groups of controlled experiments



Boss Level


Describe a controlled experiment that you have done in the past or interested in doing.

  1. Identify the testable question.

  2. Identify the groups of the experiment. How were these groups treated differently?

  3. Identify the variables of the experiment (dependent variable, independent variable, 3 constants)







Do Now

Answer the following questions based on your knowledge of biology

Ticks, such as deer ticks and dog ticks, feed on the blood of humans and other animals. Part of the feeding process involves the tick injecting its saliva to help make blood flow. In the process, they sometimes spread disease organisms to their host. Sometimes ticks get on clothing, and can remain there for a few days before actually biting their host. A scientist found that ticks might be able to survive even when exposed to hot water and detergent in a washing machine. Students designed the experiment below to test how well ticks survive a hot-water washing machine cycle with detergent. Note that some details of the design are incorrect.













Identify one error with the hypothesis. [1]


Identify one error in the students’ design in the shaded area of the table and explain how the 

students should change the experiment to correct the error. [1]

Error: _______________________________________________________________________

Correction: ___________________________________________________________________




Click on the "Worksheet" to complete the case- study.

These individuals decided that they were going to conduct their own experiment. You must prove if their experiment was a controlled experiment.

Watch one of the following videos


State your case 

Case #1- This person presents a controlled experiment. Their testable question is...

Case #2- This person does not present a controlled experiment. Their testable question is...


Provide evidence that supports your case

Follow these steps to provide strong evidence for your case:

  1. Identify their independent and dependent variables

  2. Identify the conditions placed on the control and experimental groups



Now that you have provided evidence for your case explain how this evidence supports your case. In your analysis be sure to answer the following:

  1. Are the variables of their experiment appropriate? Explain.

  2. Are the conditions of the group appropraite? Explain.

  3. What would you change within the experiment? Explain.


Create an appropriate data table that could represent data collected from this experiment.

When you've completed your data table graph your results. You can do this manually or using google sheets!


Boss Level


Using your experimental plan complete the following:

  1. List materials needed to carry-out the experiment.

  2. List detailed procedures taken to carry out the controlled experiment.

  3. Identify at least 2 potential errors that could alter the validity of your data. Indicate ways in which these errors may be avoided.

  4. State another experiment that can be done based on your hypothetical data.










Complete the following questions based on your knowledge of biology and the passage below

An experiment was carried out to answer the question “Does the pH of water affect the growth of radish 

plants?” Two groups of ten radish plants were set up. One group was watered with water having a pH of 3.0, and the other group was watered with water having a pH of 7.0. Both groups of plants received the same amount and intensity of light, the same amount of water, and they were grown in the same type of soil. The heights of the radish plants were measured every 2 days for a period of 2 weeks.


1 Which sentence is a possible hypothesis that was tested in this experiment?

(1) Does the pH of water affect the growth of radish plants?

(2) Will the amount of water alter the heights of the radish plants?

(3) The temperature of the water will affect the heights of the radish plants.

(4) The pH of the water will affect the heights of the radish plants.


2 What was the dependent variable in this experiment?

(1) heights of the plants

(2) pH of the water

(3) temperature of the water

(4) type of soil


3 Which activity might help to increase the validity of this experiment?

(1) repeating the experiment several times

(2) using two different types of radish seeds in each group

(3) using the same pH for both groups of plants

(4) placing one set of plants in sunlight and one in darkness






You must complete the setup for an experimental design problem.

Pick a table in the powerpoint and answer the following questions

based on the problem.

  1. Identify all variables of the controlled experiment.

  2. State the conditions placed on the groups of the experiment.


Now that you have completed the setup for one of the experimental design problems, create your own. Make sure to:

  1. Identify all variables of the controlled experiment.

  2. State the conditions placed on the groups of the experiment.



Boss Level


Read the following scenario:


Norm wanted to know if adding peat moss to sand would affect its ability to hold water. He put 200 mL of pure sand into container A. He put a mixture of 80% sand and 20% peat moss into container B. He put a mixture of 60% sand and 40% peat moss into container C. He put a mixture of 40% sand and 60% peat moss into container D. He added water to each container and measured the amount of water the contents would absorb. He dried the sand and peat moss and repeated the experiment 5 times. He collected the following data.


Composition of Mixture                                            Water Holding Capacity (mL)

100% sand                                                             74    80    70    71    74

60% sand, 40% peat moss                                          86    88    90    92   94

40% sand, 60% peat moss                                          110    116    104   108   112

80% sand, 20% peat moss                                          84    82    86    82   84


Answer the following questions based on the scenario above:

  1. Draw the experimental design

  2. What is the indepedent variable and depedendent variable for each scenario?

  3. Identify 3 constants within this experiment.  

  4. Write a hypothesis. Use the If and Then format (If..... occurs, then I expect.... to happen)

  5. Construct a data table. Include mean/ average water holding capacity (mL).

  6. Graph the data manually or using google sheets.

  7. Analyze the data based on your hypothesis. Use these prompts in your analysis:

  8. The data shows that...

    • My hypothesis was supported (was not supported) by my data because...

    • The data shows this because...




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