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Natural vs. Artificial Selection



Do Now

Look at the image and answer the following questions:

  1. Who is considered more “Fit”? Why?

  2. What do you think the apes will look like 100 years later based on your predictions on who is more fit?

  3. Provide your own definition for: Survival of the Fittest












Natural Selection

Read the comic, "Survival of the Sneakiest". After reading the comic answer the set of questions on the Notes sheet.  



Artificial Selection

Watch the following video. After watching the video answer the set of questions on the Notes sheet.


You had the opportunity to think about what the terms Natural Selection and Artificial Selection mean. Now watch the video to find out if your interpretations are aligned with the science community.



Boss Level


Reproductive Isolation is the inability of one group to interbreed successfully with any other group. This type of Isolation is the driving force for determing a species.  The following concepts results in reproductive isolation, ultimately creating new species:

  • behavioral isolation

  • ecological isolation

  • geographical isolation

  • mechanical isolation

  • seasonal isolation

You will need to do some research on the terms above. Using one or more of the terms above explain how a population of organisms could evolve into two distinct species. Be sure to complete the following:

  • Create an imaginery population of organisms. Describe how the population of organisms look and behave in their environment.

  • Describe the environment of the population.

  • State the factors that led to its seperation into two species.


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