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Day 1/ 2



Do Now

Answer the following regents questions using your knowledge of Biology. An incorrect answer choice will be highlighted. Explain why this answer choice is WRONG.

Which sequence of terms represents a decrease from
the greatest number of structures to the least number of
structures present in a cell?
(1) nucleus —> gene —> chromosome
(2) gene —> nucleus —> chromosome
(3) gene —> chromosome —> nucleus
(4) chromosome —> gene —> nucleus

Hereditary information is stored inside the
(1) ribosomes, which have chromosomes that contain
many genes
(2) ribosomes, which have genes that contain many
(3) nucleus, which has chromosomes that contain
many genes
(4) nucleus, which has genes that contain many


Scientist use biotechnologies to help explore diseases, find cures for diseases, solve murder trials, create improve environmental conditions, and so much more.  You will complete two virtual labs that are used in Science. Click on the technology to access the virtual lab.


Access the worksheet and answer the questions to learn how to use the technology in science.






Day 3



Do Now

Answer the following regents questions using your knowledge of Biology. An incorrect answer choice will be highlighted. Explain why this answer choice is WRONG.

Which statement best expresses the relationship
between the three structures represented below?













(1) DNA is produced from protein absorbed by the
(2) Protein is composed of DNA that is produced in
the cell.
(3) DNA controls the production of protein in the cell.
(4) Cells make DNA by digesting protein.

Two proteins in the same cell perform different
functions. This is because the two proteins are composed of
(1) chains folded the same way and the same
sequence of simple sugars
(2) chains folded the same way and the same
sequence of amino acids
(3) chains folded differently and a different sequence of simple sugars
(4) chains folded differently and a different sequence of amino acids


Watch the following video titled, "Science Creates Glowing Kittens, Monkeys, and Sheep!

Answer the questions on the worksheet based on the video.


You've explored three different technologies used within Biology (Gel Electrophoresis, PCR, and Recombinant DNA/ Gene Splicing). It is your job to provide a thoughtful and scientific response to this focus question using your knowledge of Biotechnology.


Focus Question: How do we use biotechnology to create glow in the dark pets?


To successfully provide a thoughtful response to the focus question complete the worksheet.










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