Day 1
Look at the graph to the left.
Create a data table for this graph.
Watch the video and complete your notes (Click Notes button) on graphing
Using the worksheet (Click Solve These), create appropriate graphs and tables that best represents the data.
Identify the independent and dependent variables of the graph.
Boss Level
Read the article titled, “Short sleepers are four times more likely to catch a cold”.
Create an appropriate data table and graph that could represent the data collected in this study. The graph must identify the independent and dependent variables of an experiment, include appropriate scales, labeled axes, and a title.
Construct a graph based on the data table.
Use this graphing template to assist you.
Watch the video to review the ideas we discussed about graphing.
Answer each question to the best of your ability on your graphing notes (Notes button).
Watch the video, "Creating Graphs with Google Sheets".
Create two graphs in the graphing packet (Solve These button) using google sheets.
Make sure to share your graphs with the teachers!!!
Boss Level
You have successfully created two graphs using google sheets!!!
Recreate this type of graph using google sheets.
Create your own variables for the graph. Your graph should include data for two dependent variables that are influenced by the independent variable.
Your graph should look similar but must include your own variables.
Write a tutorial indicating the process necessary to create this type of graph or a graph similar to this one. Provide detail when answering this question to create your tutorial: What steps do I need to follow to create a graph like this using Google Sheets?
Day 2