nervous system

Make sure that you have picked up all materials for this lesson
Nervous System Notes Sheet
Ruler/ Yard stick
Test Subject
Notes on tables and graphs will be useful
Use one of the following sites to complete your notes on the Nervous System. Access the notes sheet by selecting the button below.
BrainPop: Nervous System
Complete a mini lab based on reaction time. Determine if reaction time improves with practice.
Test subject
Methods/ Procedure
Get a ruler (or a yardstick).
Hold the ruler near the end (highest number) and let it hang down. Have another person put his or her hand at the bottom of the ruler and have them ready to grab the ruler (however, they should not be touching the ruler). Tell the other person that you will drop the ruler sometime within the next 5 seconds and that they are supposed to catch the ruler as fast as they can after it is dropped.
Record the level (inches or centimeters) at which they catch the ruler (you can convert the distance into reaction time with the chart below).
Test the same person 10 times (vary the time of dropping the ruler within the 5 second "drop-zone" so the other person cannot guess when you will drop the ruler).
Here is a table to convert the distance on the ruler to reaction time. For example, if you caught the ruler at the 8 inch mark, then your reaction time is equal to 0.20 seconds (200 ms). Remember that there are 1,000 milliseconds (ms) in 1 second.
Create a data table that you will use to record your data.
Answer the following analysis questions
1. Create an appropriate graph for your data.
2. What parts of the nervous system are working to catch the ruler?
3. How does the nervous system work to catch the ruler?
4. Did your reaction time improve with practice? Use evidence to support your response?
5. Describe another experiment that can be done to test reaction time.