Virtual Independent & Dependent Variable Lab

Do Now
Complete the following questions based on your knowledge of biology
If I am trying to determine if sleep affects a persons ability to exercise how would I conduct this experiment?
What is the dependent variable?
What is the independent variable?
Identify 2 constants?
State the conditions of the two groups (control & experimental).
You will be working on a virtual lab. Use this LINK to access the virtual lab. The lab notebook can be found under the VIRTUAL LAB NOTEBOOK tab.
You must complete questions 1-6 based on the information on the virtual lab site. These Questions require you to research the topic before conducting your experiment.
Boss Level
Once you've completed your research you now have time to play around with the variables within this lab. List the procedures you must take to carry out a controlled experiment using this virtual space.
Do Now
Complete the following questions based on your knowledge of biology
Pill bugs are bugs that like dark wooded areas. Describe some parts of an experiment to determine the preference of pill bugs for light or darkness. In your answer be sure to:
identify the independent variable in the experiment
identify two conditions that should be kept the same in all experimental setups
state one example of experimental data that would support your hypothesis
Using the virtual lab (click LINK above for access to the virtual lab) place the different types of corn in the hoods. Do not place any ECB (European corn borer’s) in the hoods. Allow the plants to grow and count the yield of corn.
Determine the effects ECB will have on corn plant growth by placing the same concentration of ECB in the hoods with the different types of corn plants. Make sure that you are using the same corn plants that you used the first time.
Complete the data table based on the procedures above. Create a graph based on your data
Use your data to complete your analysis questions. You can use the internet to assist you with your answers. BUT your answers are EXPECTED to be written in your voice (This means NO PLAGARIZING or COPYING someone else's work).